My Purpose Journey

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My Purpose Journey

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Welcome to the "My Purpose Journey"! You are at the starting point of a journey that will take you d...

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A journey in 6 stages to get closer to your personal purpose and make it tangible....

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The topics just presented are stages on your journey, which you will complete one after the other....

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3 exercises

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Personal visions are a picture of the future that is as concrete and motivating as possible. S...

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Download the attached worksheet. The boxes are today's reflection questions....

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3 exercises

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Attitude describes a person's general perspective on life and how they view the ...

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Download the attached worksheet. The boxes are today's reflection questions....

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Inner motivation

3 exercises

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Exploring inner motivation means getting to know and understand yourself better....

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Download the attached worksheet. The boxes are today's reflection questions....

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3 exercises

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Values are a set of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that shape our worldview and...

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Download the attached worksheet. The boxes are today's reflection questions....

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3 exercises

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Personal skills refer to talents, competencies, and abilities that a...

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Download the attached worksheet. The boxes are today's reflection questions....

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3 exercises

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Sensemaking is a process of reflection and exploration that enables the individual to...

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Download the attached sense-making worksheet and print it out if necessary....

Text lesson

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Individual Purpose in the context of meaningful work can be defined as the endeavor ...

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To conclude your "My Purpose Journey" today, you will create your personal Purpose Statement....

Text lesson

Registration required

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